Saturday, February 23, 2008

What's to come

This will be a fun science news blog written by a geek who needs to release her science writing to the world. I'm physics-centered, so most the of the stories will be physics, and geophysics when they come up, but I love all science and will let you know all the coolest stuff as soon as it hits the science news wires. If you stay here you will be lucky enough to get the best science stories first and have the best conversation topics for your cocktail parties.

I will update at least once a week, I'm not sure what day because I want to get the stories out the day they release for your benefit since this is a blog and not a print and unlike, say the NYT, I don't have to wait until Tuesday to publish my science stories.

Next week I will have a couple of stories that released today for your reading pleasure. Here's a preview:

The electron was filmed for the first time ever: "The movie shows how an electron rides on a light wave after just having been pulled away from an atom. This is the first time an electron has ever been filmed, and the results are presented in the latest issue of Physical Review Letters."

And a new theory of what causes the giant plumes from Saturn's moon Enceladus.

I hope to see you all here later on. Can't wait!

1 comment:

the instructicator said...

HOLY COW how do you 'film' an electron? i see your blog just started today so good luck, and keep it up i can definitely use the ammo for all those cocktail parties i go to.